The State of Cyber Defense: Manufacturing Cyber Resilience

With an insider’s view of the cyber risk landscape, Kroll helps clients proactively assess the security of their data systems and implement solutions to fill any gaps. Our experts have decades of experience in threat intelligence for various enterprises and law enforcement agencies and leading global teams in response to more than 3,000 cyber incidents every year across Singapore, Hong Kong, Asia and the world. This knowledge and experience help us take a nuanced approach to identifying weaknesses in data systems and prioritising improvements. Organisations all over the world rely on Kroll advisors to deliver impartial, technology-neutral assessments.
A company’s data is part of a dynamic ecosystem of hardware, software, business processes, and human interaction, all of which are constantly in flux. Keeping track of all the ways an accidental or malicious breach might occur can be difficult, if not impossible. Our clients, by partnering with us to regularly review their systems and processes, have access to Kroll’s 360-degree perspective on cyber risk.
The consultants carrying out Kroll assessments have exceptional business acumen, human insight, and technical expertise. Collectively, our Cyber Risk team holds more than 100 industry certifications, including CISA, CRISC, CISSP, PFI, QSA, GPEN, CREST, and more.
We tailor our assessments to match the complexity of every client’s operation, taking into account any relevant regulatory or industry-specific standards (NIST, MITRE, HIPAA, NY-DFS, PCI, GDPR, etc.). Kroll assessments and solutions are technology-neutral, reflecting our earned reputation as trustworthy and impartial advisors, investigators, and factfinders.
Kroll's data system assessments offer practical insights for proactive or remedial strategies, whether they are a regular component of client’s defensible cybersecurity programme, acquisition due diligence, or recovery from a cyber incident.
Our system assessments and testing services are also on the long list of proactive services available through Kroll's cyber risk retainers, offering maximum value for our clients’ cybersecurity investments.
Our experts have the business acumen, human insight, and technical expertise and resources to perform end-to-end examinations and evaluations of any organisation’s data security system. Kroll’s assessments address policies and procedures, human factor influences, and technical controls at every data touchpoint. Some of our cybersecurity assessment and testing solutions include:
Stop cyberattacks. Kroll’s managed detection and response services are powered by an elite team of seasoned cyber risk experts and frontline threat intelligence to deliver unrivaled response.
Today, you learn your company is experiencing a serious cyber incident. It could be a ransomware attack, a hacked O365 email account, the theft of PII or PHI, data exposure from misconfigured network settings. What is the first step you should take?
Kroll’s field-proven incident response tabletop exercises provide a customised test of every aspect of an organisation’s cyber response plan.
Manage risk, not spreadsheets. Identify and address cyber threats in third-party relationships to ensure compliance with regulations such as NYDFS, FARS, GDPR, etc.
Safely perform attacks on your production environment to test your security technology and processes.
by Grainne O' Farrelly, Hannah Rossiter, Eoin Devlin
by Alex Cowperthwaite, Vaibhav Lakhani
by Alex Cowperthwaite