A personal conversation can go a long way toward easing concerns about a data breach. That's why Kroll's multilingual customer support team is prepared to offer immediate support for affected individuals. With our skilled and background-checked staff already in place, we can be ready to serve a breached audience immediately. This lets our clients focus on securing their systems without having to also scramble to assemble and train staff to answer questions about the breach.
Kroll's call centre team has the capacity to handle thousands of inquiries professionally and efficiently to help clients maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders. We work with organisations to create a customised data breach notification FAQ, allowing our support team to serve as an extension of a client’s staff. Our call centre also provides access to Kroll's licensed investigators who can help those affected by the breach with questions about identity theft and assist them with personalised advice and safeguards to minimise the financial impact of any unauthorised use of their data.
For breaches that involve special populations - such as minors, decedents, or expatriates - consultation with Kroll's experienced support team will be crucial to address the questions and concerns of guardians, caregivers, and family members.
The role of the call centre in data breach response is to ease fears, eliminate confusion, and answer questions about available benefits and solutions. With thousands of hours of experience supporting clients through countless data breaches, Kroll's team is equipped to provide the right level of service on behalf of our clients.
Stop cyberattacks. Kroll’s managed detection and response services are powered by an elite team of seasoned cyber risk experts and frontline threat intelligence to deliver unrivaled response.
Today, you learn your company is experiencing a serious cyber incident. It could be a ransomware attack, a hacked O365 email account, the theft of PII or PHI, data exposure from misconfigured network settings. What is the first step you should take?
Kroll’s field-proven incident response tabletop exercises provide a customised test of every aspect of an organisation’s cyber response plan.
Manage risk, not spreadsheets. Identify and address cyber threats in third-party relationships to ensure compliance with regulations such as NYDFS, FARS, GDPR, etc.
Safely perform attacks on your production environment to test your security technology and processes.
by David Sigmundson, Andrew Berimbau