Fri, May 8, 2020

Reshmi Khurana Shares Her Views on Virtual AGMs in Business Times

Reshmi Khurana, Managing Director and Head of Southeast Asia in the Business Intelligence and Investigations practice of Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps' recently shared her views in the "Views From The Top” section of The Business Times. This edition featured commentary from leaders on whether companies should conduct annual general meetings (AGMs) virtually post the pandemic and what the impact of this will be on shareholder engagement and corporate transparency.

The decision to conduct AGMs should depend on the business model of a company, the constitution of the board, and preference of the shareholders, especially minority shareholders. COVID-19 has shown that companies can maintain productivity through virtual meetings with the added benefits of efficiency and safety. Additionally, this pandemic has shown us the value of face-to-face interactions amongst employees, management, customers and shareholders. AGMs are an opportunity for minority shareholders and investors to hold management accountable. While this can be achieved virtually over time, the investment community should not underestimate the symbolic importance of face-to-face interactions between minority shareholders and management.

Subscribers of The Business Times can read the full section here.

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