Michael Quinn to Discuss Cyber Risk and Fraud Mitigation at 2019 NYCE Conference

May 28, 2019 | (Conference)
Marriott Marquis, Times Square New York , 10036 , Countries

Michael Quinn to Discuss Cyber Risk and Fraud Mitigation for Treasury and Finance 

Michael Quinn, managing director in our Cyber Risk practice, joins Jeff Diorio of Treasury Strategies during the 2019 New York Cash Exchange (NYCE) for a presentation on Cyber Risk and Fraud Mitigation for Treasury and Finance professionals. The NYCE is sponsored by the Treasury Management Association of New York (TMANY) and brings together leading financial executives for two days of discussions.

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Topic: Cyber Risk and Fraud Mitigation for Treasury and Finance

Schedule: May 28, 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (EDT)

New technology capabilities and delivery models have created new risks; securing your treasury technology is key to maintaining treasury’s position as the financial nerve center of the company. What actions should treasury departments take to protect data and cash and which should be addressed first? Treasury Strategies and Kroll are respective leaders in Treasury best-practices and cyber fraud/cyber risk protective strategies. They will share the latest technological exploits and strategies you can take to help avoid financial impacts as well as reputation and operational risks.

The session will update treasury professionals and discuss: 

  • Risks treasury departments face, specifically around the use of STP technology
  • Most prevalent areas of exposure, focusing on fraud prevention and electronic security
  • Best practices to combat cyber exploitation.