As most third-party cyber risk tools evaluate either external data (by scanning publicly exposed vulnerabilities), or internal data (often via yes/no questionnaires), many organizations believe they can leverage only one type of tool and still succeed. This webinar will present a holistic solution for third-party cyber risk management now possible through collaboration between CyberClarity360 and RiskRecon. Learn how this unique partnership will round out your view into third party cyber risk and make your old binary approaches a thing of the past.
Schedule: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (EST)
- The vendor risk lifecycle and how you can align your processes to support it
- How to accurately assess your unique challenges and identify which partner’s solution can best resolve them
- What you should endeavor to achieve within your third-party ecosystem as threats evolve and new problems arise
- Imran Jaswal – Managing Director, CyberClarity360
- Shay Colson – Director, CyberClarity360
- John Chisum – Senior Security Advisor, RiskRecon