Valuation Challenges Facing Investment Funds

October 13, 2022 | (In Person)
Valuation Challenges Facing Investment Funds

Join Kroll's Portfolio Valuation team for a complimentary breakfast seminar at the Ritz Carlton, Dubai International Financial Centre, hotel on Thursday, 13 October. In this seminar, our experts will share insights on how valuation practices are evolving across the Middle East and what issues funds are facing in the context of an increasingly volatile geopolitical landscape.


8:00 a.m.–8:40 a.m. GST

Registration and Breakfast

8:40 a.m.–8:50 a.m. GST

Welcome and Introductions

Speaker: Hakim Abdeljaouad, Managing Director and Middle East Valuation Advisory Services Leader

8:50 a.m.–9:30 a.m. GST

Discount Rates and Country Risk

Speaker: Carla Nunes, Managing Director, Office of Professional Practice

9:35 a.m.–10:15 a.m. GST

Global Economic Outlook

Speaker: Megan Greene, Global Chief Economist, Kroll

10:15 a.m.–10:25 a.m. GST


10:25 a.m.–11:05 a.m. GST

Impact on the Valuation of Private Investments


  • Hakim Abdeljaouad, Managing Director and Middle East Valuation Advisory Services Leader
  • Ryan McNelley, Managing Director and EMEA Portfolio Valuation Leader
  • Mathias Schumacher, Managing Director and UK Valuation Advisory Services Leader

11:10 a.m.–11:50 a.m. GST

Getting Ready for an IPO


  • Hakim Abdeljaouad, Managing Director and Middle East Valuation Advisory Services Leader
  • Ryan McNelley, Managing Director and EMEA Portfolio Valuation Leader 
  • Amine Antari, Managing Director and Middle East Forensic Investigations and Intelligence Leader
  • Sami Besbes, Associate Managing Director, Restructuring

11:50 a.m.–1:00 p.m. GST


Valuation Services

When companies require an objective and independent assessment of value, they look to Kroll.

Portfolio Valuation

Kroll specializes in assisting clients with the valuation of alternative investments, specifically securities and positions for which there are no "active market" quotations.


Financial and operational restructuring and enforcement of security, including investigation, preservation and realization of assets for investors, lenders and companies.

Forensic Investigations and Intelligence

The Kroll Investigations, Diligence and Compliance team consists of experts in forensic investigations and intelligence, delivering actionable data and insights that help clients worldwide make critical decisions and mitigate risk.