We entered 2022 with another year into the pandemic, continued supply chain shocks, economic and geopolitical anxieties and a lull in ABC enforcement activity. This year will have heightened regulatory complexity for compliance professionals, and corruption risks and global regulations will continue to diversify. In these conditions, it is vital to assess the strengths, weaknesses and emerging trends within ABC programs across the globe.
In this webcast, our experts shared their insights found in the survey results on the current ABC landscape after the outbreak of Russia’s war on Ukraine in late February and the resulting unprecedented coordination between governments to impose sanctions on Russia. We reviewed trends for the upcoming year and dive deeper into the critical challenges faced by ABC compliance officers in our ever-changing world.
Watch the replay for this perceptive webcast.
Key Takeaways
The Kroll Investigations, Diligence and Compliance team partners with clients to anticipate, detect and manage regulatory and reputational risks associated with global ethics and compliance obligations.
Comprehensive spectrum of background checks, screening and due diligence services.
Supporting corporate third-party management programs to drive risk-based due diligence decisions.
Kroll helps clients navigate the complexities of today’s regulatory environment through a broad suite of anti-money laundering compliance screening and due diligence offers.
Identifying, assessing, mitigating and monitoring third-party risk in modern supply chains
Kroll helps clients mitigate and respond to the risks associated with international anti-corruption legislation.
Kroll’s anti-money laundering (AML) solutions are designed to help minimize the risks associated with money laundering and other illicit activities and to ensure compliance through the development and management of ongoing compliance programs and processes.