Converging Third Party Risks: Regulation, Reputation, Information 

Kroll and Ethisphere once again partnered to create the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Benchmarking Report – 2018. Learn more about the strengths and weakness of ABC programs, the focus of compliance experts going forward, and whether your business is keeping pace.

For the second year in a row, third party violations top the list of perceived risks to an organizations ABC programs.

Reputational risk is always on the minds of ethics and compliance professionals. But now more than ever, senior-level executives and boards of directors are also considering their organizations’ anti-bribery and corruption programs.

Perceptions: Why risk will increase in 2018:

  1. Increased enforcement of existing regulations
  2. New regulations
  3. Increased number of third party relationships
  4. Increase in transactions (eg M&A, JVs, investments etc.)
  5. Global expansion

Download the report to learn more about:

  • The perceived strengths and weaknesses of anti-bribery and corruption programs
  • The focus of compliance experts going forward
  • Whether your business is keeping pace with common risk mitigation practices
Table of Contents

1. ABC Programs: Ongoing Challenges

    • Third parties remain a major area of concern.
    • Regulatory focus on individual accountability heightens personal liability concerns, drives more self-disclosure.
    • Risk segmentation is key.
    • ABC programs must continually evolve to maintain their effectiveness.

2. Ownership Structure Risks On The Rise

    • Low confidence in ability to address ownership risks despite increased focus and controls.
    • Regulatory and reputational risks driving greater focus on determining ownership.

3. ABC After Onboarding: Monitoring and Data Refresh

    • Regulators have made ongoing monitoring a baseline expectation.
    • Monitoring can mean different things to different organizations.
    • Data refresh is increasingly a factor in risk mitigation and defense.

4. Mergers and Acquisitions

    • Regulatory expectations are not being consistently met.

5. New Resources Emerge as ABC and Enterprise Risks

    • Information security challenges and opportunities.
    • ABC programs getting greater investment, but shortfalls still exist.
    • Executive leadership support critical for an effective ABC program.

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