Global anti-corruption legislation such as The UK Bribery Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act are very clear when it comes to corporate responsibility for bribery and corruption. Under these laws, companies can be prosecuted for failing to implement the necessary policies and procedures to prevent bribery. But it’s not just global regulators that Asia’s companies need to be concerned about. Local anti-corruption watchdogs are also growing in strength and voracity and are increasingly looking to unearth examples of corporate corruption.
As such, it is essential for Asian organizations that fall under their remit to develop a robust anti-corruption framework that actively aims to prevent corruption and mitigates the risk of violations.
Bringing together the key insights from the four perspectives in Kroll’s Complying with Global Anti-Corruption campaign, the Complying with Global Anti-Corruption Legislation Guide highlights the potential liabilities for Asian companies that operate under these legislations and recapitulates how companies should respond to allegations of corruption.
Download this complimentary guide today to gain invaluable insights and experiences of Kroll’s investigators to help your company protect against corruption.
The campaign was launched with the aim of helping organizations better understand their liabilities under this legislation, and minimize the risk of violations.
Featuring four key perspectives, the campaign explores the impact of global anti-corruption legislation in Asia. Entitled Perception Versus Reality, the first perspective outlines the risks Asian companies face under global anti-corruption legislation and the real cost of a violation.
Meanwhile, the second perspective, entitled Understanding Potential Liabilities, examines the reach of global anti-corruption legislation in Asia and provides valuable insights into the potential liabilities Asian companies face.
Dealing with a Violation, the third perspective, focuses on the importance of developing a clearly defined formal response plan that enables companies to quickly and effectively assess the allegations made and determine whether it’s time to enlist expert help.
The fourth perspective in the campaign, Protecting your Organization outlines the four key steps you should follow in order to properly protect your organization against bribery and corruption and mitigate the risk you face.