Fri, Mar 27, 2020

How Are Governments, Non-profits and NGOs Dealing With the Heightened Risk of Financial Crime in the Current Climate?

Governments, Non-profits and NGOs Dealing with Financial Crime

During these uniquely challenging times, governmental agencies, as well as international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), quasi-public and non-profit organizations are experiencing unprecedented fiscal and operational pressures. 

Unfortunately, history has shown that in times of social and economic stress, governmental agencies, non-profits and NGOs encounter heightened risks, ranging from financial crimes and misappropriation of assets to attacks on information systems. The risks and impact of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic may be even higher, as weakened operational controls are exploited by wrongdoers.

Kroll is the world’s leading risk management firm, with a global team of seasoned professionals with backgrounds in government, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, the legal profession, forensic accounting, data analytics and cyber security. We have assisted the public and private sectors to navigate crises at the local level and on a global scale for more than 45 years. From physical threats and cyber security assessments to internal fraud investigations, malfeasance investigations to cross-border asset tracing, we offer useful and pragmatic advice and a wealth of experience.

Kroll’s multi-disciplinary team of experts can investigate misconduct with speed and discretion.

  • Detection Through Data Analytics
    Our data analytics experts apply cutting-edge methodologies and technology to assist our clients in identifying suspicious transactions or activities related to data breach, fraud, or financial malfeasance and network intrusion.
  • Internal Investigations
    From whistleblower allegations, to government or regulatory inquiries and court appointed investigations, we help clients uncover what happened and who is responsible. Our global team of experts can advise and support your organization at every stage, including investigation and recovery, and training and prevention.
  • Forensic Accounting and Forensic Audits
    Kroll’s global forensic accounting expertise helps clients recreate, reconstruct, and analyze complex financial information. We can quickly assemble a global team to secure and analyze financial records and other relevant information, in order to forensically investigate matters relating to fraud, corruption and asset misappropriation.
  • Litigation Support and Dispute Resolution
    Kroll’s investigative team knows where to look and how to uncover critical evidence. Our expertise in complex investigations, computer forensics, asset identification, forensic accounting and data breach analysis allows us to help clients prevail in affirmative and defensive litigation.
  • Asset Searches and Tracing 
    We help corporations, governments, central banks and other public agencies and NGOs trace and recover lost assets and track down money launderers and fraudsters across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Cyber Security
    Kroll provides end-to-end solutions to help guard your information technology systems and confidential data from a wide array of cyber security risks. From proactive measures such as risk assessments and penetration testing, to 24/7 incident response services aimed at identifying the intrusion, remediating it from your systems and restoring your business operations, our cyber security experts are positioned to defend against the threats posed by malicious actors, network vulnerabilities and relaxed security policies. 

For more information, please contact the Forensic Investigations and Intelligence Leadership Team

Forensic Investigations and Intelligence

The Kroll Investigations, Diligence and Compliance team consists of experts in forensic investigations and intelligence, delivering actionable data and insights that help clients worldwide make critical decisions and mitigate risk.