Georgia Faust

Georgia Faust is a director in the Restructuring Administration practice, based in New York. Georgia has over 10 years of restructuring experience.

Prior to joining Kroll, Georgia was at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP as the lead paralegal in their restructuring and insolvency group, where she worked on several large Chapter 11 restructurings, including that of Lehman Brothers. At Curtis, Georgia was also responsible for implementing the bankruptcy billing protocol, training incoming paralegals, filing bankruptcy documents with the court and preparing and serving bankruptcy notices.

Georgia began her restructuring career as a paralegal at Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman, where she worked on the Adelphia bankruptcy case, among others.

Georgia holds a B.A. in English literature from Macalester College and holds a MFA in poetry from Brooklyn College.

Restructuring Administration

End-to-end restructuring administration services provided by unrivaled experts and technology.