James Waldron is a senior advisor at Prime Clerk where he cultivates client relationships, communicates regularly with the bankruptcy community, and assists with the development of marketing strategies.

James Waldron

Senior Advisor

James Waldron is a senior advisor in the Restructuring Administration practice, based in New York. With more than 40 years of experience, Jim cultivates client relationships, communicates regularly with the bankruptcy community, and assists with the development of marketing strategies.

Prior to joining Kroll, Jim served as the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey for over three decades. During this time, Jim was selected as the sole Clerk’s Office Advisor to the prestigious Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules, where he provided important insight and guidance concerning the practical implications of pending bankruptcy legislation, and proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.

Jim was inducted as a Fellow in the American College of Bankruptcy, Class of 2015. In 2010, Jim was presented with the Donald A. Robinson Meritorious Service Award by the United States District Court, the Lawyers Advisory Committee, the Association of the Federal Bar, and the Historical Society of the United States District Court in recognition of his extraordinary contributions. In 2004 Jim was awarded the Director’s Award for Outstanding Leadership by the Administrative Office of United States Courts.

Jim graduated from St. Vincent College and holds a J.D. from Rutgers School of Law.