Mazen Hakam | Transaction Advisory Services | Kroll

Mazen Hakam is a director in the Transaction Advisory Services practice, based in London. Mazen has over 10 years of experience across a range of deals and sectors, advising both private equity and corporate clients on buy-side and sell-side due diligence for transactions.

Prior to joining Kroll, Mazen was part of the Transaction Advisory Services practice at BDO, with experience across a wide range of sectors, including consumer goods, professional services, defence, energy, manufacturing and technology.

Mazen has advised on deals both in the UK and internationally. He has led all aspects of a due diligence process from extensive analysis on trading and the business model to working capital targets, indebtedness and completion mechanics. Mazen has also worked in a M&A capacity for almost one year on a high-profile transaction supporting the sell side on a range of issues to include deal and value negotiations. He is proficient in the use of data analytics tools to enable a more advanced and interactive presentation of information.

Mazen holds a master’s degree with distinction in Money, Banking and Finance from the University of Birmingham. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales. Mazen speaks English, French and Arabic fluently.

Corporate Finance and Restructuring

M&A advisory, restructuring and insolvency, debt advisory, strategic alternatives, transaction diligence and independent financial opinions.

Transaction Advisory Services

Kroll’s Transaction Advisory Services platform offers corporate and financial investors with deep accounting and technical expertise, commercial knowledge, industry insight and seamless analytical services throughout the deal continuum.