Intellectual Property Expert Services

Valuation, strategic consulting, investigations, expert witness testimony and transfer pricing services related to intellectual property rights and transactions and information risk.
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Kroll Helped Recover Billions for Victims of the Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme.
Discover how Kroll was uniquely positioned to provide data analysis, testifying expertise, valuation work and computer forensics solutions to assist in multiple lawsuits against Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities. Request our qualifications

Kroll's experts have a wealth of experience testifying regarding intellectual property (IP) valuation and damages. We perform robust, independent valuations of IP assets, and provide valuations in various damages contexts.

Our experts are well-versed in quantum and damages analyses (including reasonable royalties, lost profits, disgorgement and unjust enrichment). Our economic experts are trained in statistics, econometrics and surveys. We also provide advice and support to businesses outside of litigation in order to protect and monetize their assets, such as strategic IP consulting, IP investigations and transfer pricing services.

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Information and IP Risk

Kroll’s global team of experts helps organizations safeguard their information and IP and mitigate risk.

Misinformation Investigations

Helping clients deal with risks in the digital domain – fake news, misinformation and responding in a crisis.

Illicit Trade Investigations

Helping clients combat counterfeit goods, gray market sales and unfair competition from untaxed imports.

Leak of Information Investigations

Helping clients identify the source of a leak so they can respond appropriately.