Sector and Industry Specific Services

Kroll experts provide security services tailored to the needs and specific contexts of diverse industries.
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Legal Threat Detector

Legal Threat Detector

The Legal Threat Detector is a guided risk assessment questionnaire specifically tailored to identify threats or hidden risks before commencing a client engagement.

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California Senate Bill 553 Mandates Workplace Violence Prevention Programs for Organizations

California Senate Bill 553 Mandates Workplace Violence Prevention Programs for Organizations

On September 30, 2023, the California State Senate passed Senate Bill 553, which addresses workplace violence prevention plans and employer applications for restraining orders as measures to increase occupational safety. The law is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2024, and mandates that all companies with 10 or more employees have workplace violence prevention programs in place to better equip staff in times of unforeseen acts of violence.

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Enterprise Security Risk Management

Kroll’s Enterprise Security Risk Management practice provides expert guidance and advisory services to our global clientele as they navigate the most challenging and emerging security and threat-related issues.

Security and Risk Management Consulting

Kroll’s team excels at proactive security consulting and expert advisory solutions, aligning our comprehensive offerings with your enterprise’s risk appetite. We offer personnel, expertise, advisory and bandwidth when our clients are challenged in ways that stress their comfort or internal capabilities.

Business Continuity, Resilience and Disaster Preparedness

In today’s fast-paced world, disruptions can happen anytime. Kroll’s full suite of business continuity, resiliency and disaster preparedness capabilities is designed to prepare your enterprise for unexpected risks and maintain competitiveness throughout the full lifecycle of any disruption.

Threat Management, Workplace Violence and Active Assailant Advisory

Kroll specializes in the precise and carefully measured application of threat management principles to thwart your organization’s most compelling threat actors while continuously maintaining control of its safety, principles and reputation.

Operational Security

Kroll’s sophisticated global network of experts can assist with your operational security needs, whether they are proactive to avoid enterprise risks, reactive augmentation to your current capabilities or capacity-building due to threats.