There are several reasons to work with a notice expert, especially in an increasingly evolving landscape for class action practitioners. Engaging a class action notice expert helps you:
Gain Approval: Effective notice campaigns must identify the correct target audiences and utilize appropriate media channels such as online display, social media like Facebook or Instagram, streaming radio and digital TV to maximize reach and successfully notify class members. Working with a notice expert ensures you gain court approval for your notice plan the first time.
Manage Costs: A true notice expert will be able to validate which channels your class members are paying attention to through research and employ them to achieve maximum reach in the most cost-effective manner. The best class action notice experts use high-tech tools and innovative methods that adhere to recognized legal standards in performance and methodology, rather than simply cutting corners.
Satisfy Due Process: Creating a notice program that satisfies due process and effectively notifies class members requires expert knowledge and the ability to see obstacles before it’s too late. An effective notice program should reach at least 70 to 90 percent of potential claimants.
Drive Claims: A class action notice expert uses the right combination of frequency and message to efficiently notify claimants. The right messaging is essential to make the notice plan a trustworthy source of information for class members. Large pools of uncollected money make the class action settlement process look ineffective or half-hearted and could lead to the Court ordering a second round of notice.
Reduce Fraud: Advanced monitoring tools, whitelists, and premium media channels are all necessary tactics to reduce fraud, but nothing beats human oversight to help protect against fraud. If someone is not actively monitoring for this type of activity, you could end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to online fraudsters that deprive class members the opportunity to see notice – that can have a big impact on response rates and claims filed.