Investigative Due Diligence

Customized investigations providing actionable intelligence to help make critical decisions.
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Investigating and Protecting against C-Suite Level Fraud
Discover how Kroll’s Forensic Investigations, Cyber Risk, and Security Risk Management teams came together to help a client identify, investigate, and protect against C-suite level fraud and credit card abuse. Request our qualifications

For more than 45 years, investors, financiers and lawyers have relied on Kroll’s investigative due diligence capabilities to answer the non-financial questions good deals are built on. 

  • What are the potential counterparties’ reputations? 
  • What is the extent and nature of their relations with government officials? 
  • Are their representations and disclosures independently verifiable? 
  • Are there any undeclared related-party interests? 
  • What has been the experience of previous business partners or investors?
  • Is the competitive landscape as they describe it?
  • How stable are the regulatory regimes in the jurisdictions in which they operate?
  • How robust is their supply chain and how secure are off-take arrangements?
  • Are there undisclosed beneficiaries?
  • What is the management style of the executive team? How do they approach business culture and governance issues?

Talk to a Kroll Expert

Kroll is ready to help, 24x7. Explore our services further or speak to a Kroll expert today via our contact page. 

Risk Analytics Monitor

Proactively detect fraud and corruption with Kroll’s risk, investigations and data analytics experts, supported by an award-winning software.

Intelligence, Transactions and Due Diligence

When organizations worldwide need intelligence, insight and clarity to take decisive action, they rely on Kroll.

Supply Chain Investigations

Creating a detailed portrait of a supplier’s financial stability, operations, compliance and culture.

Political Risk Analysis

Helping companies analyze and mitigate political risk in the countries where they operate.

Competitor Intelligence

Providing clients with a holistic and detailed dossier on the critical issues for the matter at hand.